Play Therapy

Play is a child’s first language. Play is meeting the child where they are and creating a

therapeutic relationship while also allowing them the time and space to work through difficult

and painful feelings that they are unable to express or may not even understand. Through play

many tasks can be achieved, improved self-esteem, problem solving, identification of feelings

and learning to express feelings in positive ways, learning coping skills and self-soothing

behaviors among other things. Sand trays are often made in sessions and games are made or

picked based on what the child is experiencing. Arts and crafts are used as a way to channel and

express feelings as well as music and movement. While it may seem as though we are “just

playing” and the child finds it fun- many things are occurring that are building strength for your

child to conquer their fears, frustrations, and deal with meanings that they have made about

events in their life.

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