Life Force Yoga

Life Force yoga is a form of yoga that uses pranayama (meaning life force in Sanskrit [breathing

exercises]), asanas (poses), noise and movement to improve anxiety, depression, trauma and even

substance abuse. Life force yoga was created by Amy Weintraub. She has written books such as

“Yoga for Depression” and “Yoga Techniques for therapists”. What called me to Yoga, as I am a

200 hour certified yoga teacher, was how effective I found it to be in my own life for healing and

managing difficult feelings. Science has proven this ancient practice to be beneficial for a

number of ailments both physical and mental. There are contraindications for yoga and more

specifically different asanas and pranayamas. I will always keep this is mind during our sessions

and will never require you to engage in this practice unless you desire. Please let me know your

comfort level and remember it’s about what feels good to your body in the moment and releasing

the negative feelings and energies that are pent up in your body, helping you to let go and have


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